In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about choosing the best Azerite Traits for your Protection Paladin in ! Patch 10. So today I got into WoW PTR for patch 8. Bought 8 more vendor helms. Inspire yourself and nearby allies while Divine Steed is active, granting X Speed for 5 sec. DKs have 1 and a half viable blood azerite traits on the outer ring, like most other specs they default to generic traits if their best trait isn't there. 1. Depends since some traits scale well and others don't for whatever reason. Paladin uses 2 Builds 1. Level 1. Azerite traits are are divided into four rings found in your Azerite gear: Ring 0 contains Spec traits and is the first section available on each item with two choices for each specialization. Potato's Retribution Auras v1. When you stack up traits only the first one grants an effect, the rest increase your damage. Martyr's Breath. Retribution Paladin MUST Have Azerite Traits Average88 Joe 188 subscribers Subscribe 6 127 views 4 years ago #guide #azerite #traits Quick guide for. Divine Steed's cooldown is reduced to 40 seconds. Yesterday we previewed the first Heart of Azeroth traits, including some general utility traits and class-specific ones for Hunters and Shamans. WardsJames (talk) 17:04, 7 September 2023 (UTC) ; Please read the deletion policy and check if anything links here before deleting. Everything you need to know about the Heart of Azeroth and Azerite Powers for your Protection Paladin. Breaking Dawn - Increases the healing done by Light of Dawn by 311 and its range to 40 yards. But keep in mind that both of this Build need a very diffrent set of azerite traits and also stat-weight. Best Azerite Traits for Holy Paladin in Pre-Patch Our priority for Azerite trait's hasn't changed either. Azerite traits are are divided into four rings found in your Azerite gear: Ring 0 contains Spec traits and is the first section available on each item with two choices for each specialization. Paladin: Warrior: Death Knight:. Hey y’all, im making this post 'cause Im a little tired of all these random useless things that Blizz made and I want some opinions on that. As I just checked Wowhead, currently (all 4 difficulties) Uldir drop ilevel 60 Azerite gear; Eternal Palace, 72; and Ny’alotha, 95. Azerite traits, item level of corrupted gear, amounts of secondary stats and more can all affect how corruption performs for you personally. Quick guide for azerite traits that every retribution paladin MUST have. In Legion I played all three specs of my paladin. Now I am stuck with holy, sometimes half-butting ret, but won’t even think about prot… Somehow managing the artifacts was easier for me than getting 3 somewhat appropriate azerite sets (at the moment I have 1 and like 2/3 of a set, always someone in the raid needs the drops more than me). your Mastery is increased by 46. This determines what Azerite Traits are competing on the same Ring of Azerite Armor. EssencesAzerite traits are are divided into four rings found in your Azerite gear: Ring 0 contains Spec traits and is the first section available on each item with two choices for each specialization. Beta Posted. Updated to Battle for Azeroth. The Heart of Darkness Azerite Trait The Heart of Darkness Azerite Trait was added in 8. However, I'm only seeing 10 stacks of the buff as max and a 1min duration. Requires Holy specialization. NEW Moment of Glory Your Rallying Cry grants 385 additional Max Health to affected allies, and its duration is increased to 12 sec. Related. Paladin: Warrior: Death Knight:. The new gear has azerite traits, which are talents, on them. 2. Azerite Armor item level 340 or higher will have 4 rings. for more information. Each Azerite Armor item has a unique set of traits to choose from. How are they in retail? Are they easy to use? healing, tanking , dps? Right now I don’t have a preference of which role but am leaning towards the dps side. Artifact Traits (1) Will of the Illidari Increases maximum health by 1%. Well you are in a pinch ! Both types of armor offer the best looking gear from the 4 types. Once available, you should aim to acquire the set bonuses as soon as possible. This article will explain how all the important artifact traits are reused in Battle for Azeroth. . For those shouting for Holy Paladin and Resto Druid, I get ya. 1. Sorry for the new thread, but need some actual confirmation. As a single trait, I’d probably pass. Gallant Steed. However, since not all Holy Paladins will have the gear required for that build, the talent suggestions here do not assume that you have them. Related. It summons 2 (or 3 with the talent Ripped through the Portal) dreadstalkers that will fight for you for 12 seconds. waaaay too few traits changed the gameplay fo your class. Azerite Traits. Inspiring Vanguard. Just check Bloodmallet and stack the pieces and traits you see on highest. Related. The worst was the beginning of Cata. Other profiles and auras that you'll need to complete the package are: -ElvUI profile:. The Glimmer of Light Holy Paladin is an incredibly fun, incredibly powerful build where you focus your talents, traits and stats on Holy Shocking as much as humanly possible. We always want to run with one of these traits in our setup, as multiple of this trait do NOT increase the chance to proc, but instead increase the amount of Strength gained. Expurgation can be good when stacked. ; If you wish to contest this notice, please switch this for {{}} process and. It was the exact same options. who cares? I'm ret paladin so I'm going to use ret paladin as an… Benthic Gear is a gearing system in Patch 8. International Service Office. Trait Analysis: Get an in-depth breakdown of each trait across raid and Mythic+. Gamblers Anonymous. Yesterday we previewed the first Heart of Azeroth traits, including some general utility traits and class-specific ones for Hunters and Shamans. 1 2. The Heart of Azeroth also unlocks to the ability to use Essences, which can grant an additional active ability and more. There are a ton of good options to choose from as Protection, but the standard build will be: Avenger’s Might x 3, Light’s Decree x 1, Righteous Conviction x 1, Inspiring Vanguard x 1. Azerite Armor item level 370 or higher will have 5 rings; Each ring will allow you to choose one of the Azerite Traits on it and selecting it will rotate the ring so that your chosen Trait is shown at the top! Azerite Armor features either three or four rings, and each ring offers your choice of specific Azerite Traits. This ring is a new feature, found on Armor starting with. Inspiring Vanguard - This was a passive azerite trait that added strength proc to Grand Crusader. the Unraveler Uldir Raid Strategy Guide Protection Best in Slot Guide Retribution Azerite Traits Guide Retribution Best in Slot Guide Uldir Raid Gear and Azerite Armor Loot Guide . Arms Warrior Apply Aura: Modifies Damage/Healing Done by 10% 18%. Bestow faith, rule of law, judgment of light, avenging crusader, beacon of faith. These overviews are an entry point. Breastplate of the Champion. Both classes can hold their own in World PvP, although I tend to prefer Elemental Shaman for it just because of ghost wolf and useful totems. I’m a blood DK, and i’m having a hard time holding aggro against paladins and mages. Full List of Azerite Traits "Reveal hidden contents" for a full list of Azerite traits that have been added to the game so far throughout Alpha/Beta testing of Battle for Azeroth. Guides. Throughout the guide I will detail your potential partners, talent choices, Azerite traits, cc rotation, ability priority, counters and favored matchups to pull off a ‘Triple DPS’ team at high rating in patch 8. This is the Retribution Paladin section of my complete UI package. I’ll go into more detail. This ring is a new feature, found on Armor starting in Season 2, and requires only 15 levels on your Heart of Azeroth to be unlocked. ago. Light of the Martyr has a chance to cause your Blessing of Sacrifice to additionally heal the target for X. Residuum Roller: Equip your best set and then find out which token you should spend your residuum on. Added gems section. 2. 97. Your attacks have a chance to make the next Divine storm free and deal additional damage. General Information. Tier S: Treacherous covenant – A high efficiency trait with also a high risk of usage. . Now every chest/helmet/shoulders have a few rings for traits. This Essence has high variance but is the best overall Essence for both single target and AoE situations, especially when paired with Avenger's Might and Light's. I've been inspecting the new traits on my test shaman, and the traits remain firmly with 1 trait per spec on each line, with very little power, rotational changes, or. Divine Steed's cooldown is reduced to 40 seconds. i’m sick of playing ring around the rosie with stats and. New Recipes for The Eternal Palace raid-level Azerite Engineering goggles (415/430/445 item level). Below you can find the consolidated list of changes for Paladin, for spells, talents, and Azerite traits alike. Fax (909) 931-9059. Azerite Traits. The T3, T2, T1 (+5 iLvL) traits are more for secondary stat benefit and can be chosen at your discretion. As a baseline, I think Souls should be harder to pick up, more similar to the hitbox of Gift of the Ox that Brewmasters have, if not entirely changed into a Combo Point. This is the easiest casino game to play. It's not as unstackable as empyerean power, but it's still worse than many others like RI or avengers might or expurgation etcThe second section goes through base changes through old spells such as base abilities and Azerite Traits. Fraction of azeroth savix paladin guide ended up. Azerite Traits are part of the core progression system of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, adding new abilities and effects to your helm, shoulder, and chest armor. Report post. ago. 2. #4. Having spec specific azerite trait buffs would be nice, but don't think that you need the buff. All of the Essences are obtained in the same way. The. The rest are pretty mediocre, you can fill the sixth (or 5 + 6 for Judgement build) with anything. Residuum Roller: Equip your best set and then find out which token you should spend your residuum on. First of all you need those that grant maximum profit as 1 in the armor. Subscribe: you for the likes and comments!Video Description:Welcome to an entry in our 8. Gear Systems Several updates are coming to gear systems: An item level and stat squish update is coming in Battle for Azeroth. The traits are spread into five trait categories, all found on. New to Season 2 is the 5th ring on Azerite Armor. For more information on Azerite Armor and the , check out our Azerite Armor. Divine Steed's cooldown is reduced to 40 seconds. 0 expirience for many specs and classes tottaly broken. For Rank 1, you have to do a Mythic+4 dungeon. 1. These traits and abilities will work as such: By doing content, you will acquire titan essences; These essences permanently unlock the relevant trait in the Heart of Azeroth. Now every chest/helmet/shoulders have a few rings for a trait. 1. as an unholy dk, no matter what you do, you WILL want festermight at the very least. NEW Bury the Hatchet When you use Victory Rush, gain 1622 Physical absorb for 10 sec. This site provides an overview about trinkets, azerite traits, and others for almost all specs in World of Warcraft using SimulationCraft 's default profiles. Another interesting talent could be Hour of Reaping from BfA Azerite traits, which not only improves healing from souls, but also granted a shield when absorbing enough souls. This category contains Azerite traits exclusive to paladins . Uldir Azerite Traits All Uldir Azerite armor contains one of the following traits on the outer ring: Archive of the Titans - Your armor gathers and analyzes combat data every 5 sec, increasing your primary stat by 1, stacking up to 20 times. Fax (909) 931-9059. Make it like krakens eye, only one per player. It is a good trait that grants you some damage. Death. There are the following among them:Azshara's Eternal Palace Azerite Traits Azerite Armor that comes from Azshara's Eternal Palace will come with one of three unique zone-traits. Arms Best in Slot Guide Azerite Armor Overview and FAQ Frost Best in Slot Guide G'huun Uldir Raid Strategy Guide Protection Best in Slot Guide Protection Best in Slot Guide Retribution Azerite Traits Guide Retribution Best in Slot Guide Uldir Raid Gear and Azerite Armor Loot Guide Unholy Best in Slot GuideDécouvrez les traits du Coeur d'Azeroth du Paladin pour World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth. 1, currently limited to Avenging Wrath, Beacon of Light,. Edit: on 8/13, we've added a number of improvements to this tool based on feedback, including the option to filter traits by spec and role. Overall, the class still remains fairly strong and viable in every form of content. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about choosing the best Azerite Traits for your Holy Paladin in ! Azerite Traits are spread into 4 Trait categories which correspond to the Rings on Azerite Armor. You will need to collect the best traits. 2 Class Set 4pc — While you are within an empowered Consecration, your abilities have a chance to deal 40% bonus damage or healing as Fire. 0. I scrapped my 400 shoulders to get the last bit of titan residuum I needed for an random 415 piece for an upgrade. Paladin Protection 10. 10. 1. assignment Copy import string help. Another example is if you use multiple Expurgation Azerite trait, your Critical Strike might become your most important stat. A Holy Paladin devotes themselves completely to taking away others’ suffering by healing them with Holy power. Azshara's Eternal Palace Azerite Traits Azerite Armor that comes from Azshara's Eternal Palace will come with one of three unique zone-traits. Hi all, forgive me for what might be a dumb question I don’t get to play WoW often. The rank of it grows with you Heart of Azeroth level. Bloodmallet, a website containing DPS simulations for azerite traits, has also added a button to export the weights for the addon. In the latest Shadowlands Beta build ,Heart of Azeroth now has a red warning in the tooltip, informing you that its effects are inactive in areas without abundant Azerite, which means Azerite Powers and Essences will cease to work when you start your journey in the. Azerite Traits are spread into 4 Trait categories which correspond to the Rings on Azerite Armor. Uldir Azerite Traits All Uldir Azerite armor contains one of the following traits on the outer ring: Archive of the Titans - Your armor gathers and analyzes combat data every 5 sec, increasing your primary stat by 1, stacking up to 20 times. 3 and is present on all pieces of Ny'alotha Raid Gear. . Trait Updates and Additions. 1. 10. If youre stunned or silenced or whatever, you cannot VB and the buff will expire. The Alliance seeks a united Dark Iron clan to harness the power of Azerite and aid their struggle. Elemental Shaman's 4-set bonus: For 10 seconds after using Primordial Wave, whenever you consume Lava Surge, your next Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning. Mages tend to pull mobs right off of me, forcing me to taunt that mob and even then the mob has a tendency to go right back on the mage as soon as the taunt is over. For m+ i. 7 PTR 10. Best Retribution Paladin Ny'alotha Weapons The following weapons drop with static effects and cannot corrupt further. Dauntless Divinity was an Azerite trait available to Protection paladins. Depends since some traits scale well and others don't for whatever reason. Azerite Traits. Arcanic pulsar Starsurge’s damage is increased. The main Azerite section is primarily focused around raiding, as such should be a good place to start you can click here. who cares? I'm ret paladin so I'm going to use ret paladin as an…Benthic Gear is a gearing system in Patch 8. 2 Raid Tips 10. Azerite Armor item level 340 or higher will have 4 rings. The Heart of Azeroth was given to players by Magni Bronzebeard at the beginning of Battle of Azeroth. the Stab in the back, thunder change or what other else traits that basically doesn't add to what our playstyle does is a problem. Have 3x a week raid and do m+ on the other days. Second : Azerite Armor. 7 Primordial Stones 10. While the wow bfa retri pala azerite. Contribute!. There are several different rings with Azerite Traits available for each piece. Azerite Traits: 3x Light Decree, 1x Empyrian Power ( Rest are your choice Notable are Avengers Might, Indomitable Justice). Indomitable. Every item page on Wowhead shows which Azerite Powers are attached. Paladin. Potential Partners. Enables Reorigination Array within Uldir. Retribution Paladin (Heroic Ny'alotha) Top talents, essences, azerite, corruption, and gear based on data from the top 1200 Heroic Ny'alotha logs (by dps) from the past 4 weeks. Great AoE. Retribution Paladin StatsRetribution Paladin Enchants 10. Best Azerite Traits for Protection Paladin. In Patch 10. Azerite Traits are part of the core progression system of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, adding new abilities and effects to your helm, shoulder, and chest armor. Paladin. Night Elf Theme: Ancients' Bulwark Standing still grants you Deep Roots, increasing your Versatility by 179. In BFA typical sets were removed and Azerite armor took their place. Azerite Armor: The Longstrider trait on Azerite gear has been heavily nerfed to only give you a maximum 1% movement speed increase, regardless of the item level of your gear. Check out the rest of our Battle for Azeroth 26175 coverage: Zandalari Troll Druid Cat. My favorite build was almost certainly end of WotLK. And after a week I realized that was really bad stats and azerite traits. 1306 Monte Vista Avenue. Full Essences Guide. To get a new level will take more and more efforts and resources from a player. Comment by mrbudsThe Paladin mount for Dark Iron Paladins is a special ram: Summon Darkforge Ram Dark Iron Shaman Totems Dark Iron Shaman totems represent miniature anvils. Check out our Azerite Traits in Patch 8. Class. Contribute!. The Heart of Azeroth is a legendary neck item that is used to unlock and advance the Azerite system. It is especially useful for AOE. NEW When Fiery Brand expires on your primary target, you gain a shield that absorbs up to 4695 damage for 15 sec, based on your damage dealt to them while Fiery Brand was active. 3. We didn’t receive any changes in 10. Paladin: Warrior: Death Knight:. ; Ring 1 contains. Crit 2. This piece is bolstered by having excellent utility traits, and complimented by Radiant Incandescence. Azerite Armor under item level 340 will only have 3 rings. Gems & Enchants The recommended gems and enchants for Retribution Paladin for effective DPS in WoW Dragonflight patch 10. Today we are looking at another smart PvP move to be used during the Shadowlands pre-patch, this time around involving a clever mix of Paladin Azerite traits, Aura de juicio, and Azerite Essences. Icecap loses a tremendous amount of power since it derives the majority of its damage increase from Azerite Traits. To add to that, we've. Take 1 Light's Decree; Take 1 Empyrean Power; Take 2-3 Avenger's Might; Fill the rest of your traits with stat increases like Relentless Inquisitor or Heart of Darkness, or more ranks of Light. The ilvl of the second item depends on the highest m+ cleared IN TIME last week. Paladin Retribution. It was also revealed in a Q&A that weapons cannot Titanforge but only Warforge (+5 or +10 item levels). As if they were a legendary ring from legion. CryptoPaladin: Warrior: Death Knight: This item is part of the following transmog set. Check out the rest of our Battle for Azeroth 26175 coverage: Zandalari Troll Druid Cat. Universal Azerite Traits The following traits are themed after the Night Elves and the Forsaken, which implies they will be found on Battle for Darkshore Warfront armor. Build 26175 added some more traits for DK, Paladin, Priest, and Warrior, as well as a few general traits. 726%. They really need to bring something interesting in 8. However, it is only usable if the enemy is below 20% Health or if you have Avenging Wrath active. Holy Paladin The patch also intends to expand the Azerite system, by adding a 5th ring to Azerite armor, adding new Azerite traits for all specializations, and tuning remaining traits, replacing unappealing ones. Azerite traits wouldn’t be an issue if they were accessible to everyone. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to play Enhancement Shaman in a PvP environment. There are the following among them: Azerite Traits. All pre-Shadowlands zones will still have azerite traits and essences active. Having spec specific azerite trait buffs would be nice, but don't think that you need the buff. Requirements. You can’t go too much. Source: Heart of Azeroth level. Azerite traits, or Azerite powers,[1] are passive abilities found on all Azerite Armor. 1-3 DF-WEAKAURA. If you have three Glimmer of Light traits on your Azerite gear, we highly recommend playing a Glimmer of Light talent build instead of the standard one given above, as it will perform significantly better. Tier 2: Hammer of Wrath. 0. Don't waste your manapearls if unhappy with azerite benthic gear. 1/08/2019. Best Azerite Traits for Protection Paladin. The two exceptions are Gemhide , which absolutely rocks for raid tanking, and Impassive Visage , which provides extremely reliable self-healing and is. Basic Breakdown: Due to changes from the new options, and basing it off of relative final values (simulations not yet run; obvious changes may occur if unduly low unforeseen proc rates occur, otherwise these are likely to be final) PvE ST and AoE Crusade > Divine Purpose ST, slightly, based on RNG Divine Purpose > Crusade 2 or more targets (by a lot) Azerite Traits: Avenger’s Might x 3. The class tuning coming tomorrow has been updated with a whole lot of changes to both the Heart of Azeroth related traits and theres some additional PvP changes coming in as well! The original class changes remain, well, unchanged, and the new additions focus on Hunters and Shamans for the Azerit. All of the Essences are obtained in the same way. Class. The Heart of Azeroth is the only. All pre-Shadowlands zones will still have azerite traits and essences active. Implosion build: You need to collect 3 times is Explosive potential. Azerite Traits for Retribution Paladins are a special type of item found in World of Warcraft:. 5! These articles are completely free and include information taken straight from some of the worlds highest rated players of each class . Hammer of Justas by Justas ( paladin (dot) justas (at) gmail (dot) com ) version 0. Protection Azerite Traits Guide Protection Best in Slot Guide Retribution Azerite Traits Guide Retribution Best in Slot Guide Underrot Dungeon Ability Guide . Arms Warrior Changes Specialization. Requirements. The guide will cover everything from talent choices, PvP talents, gameplay and rotation, and useful racial bonuses. Impact of Azerite Traits and Essences loss The impact of losing Azerite and Essences depends heavily on build for the Frost Death Knight. Paladin: Warrior: Death Knight: This item is part of the following transmog set:. Avenger Might. Hey paladins! I’m looking to play this class it looks really fun and it fits my class fantasy. Specialization. Contribute!. They explicitly also stated they only got to look specifically at the Protection Paladin-based traits. General Information. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about choosing the best Azerite Traits for your Holy Paladin in ! This site provides an overview about trinkets, azerite traits, and others for almost all specs in World of Warcraft using SimulationCraft 's default profiles. Fun Features. Everything you need to know about the Heart of Azeroth and Azerite Powers for your Retribution Paladin. Every armor type has 9 total pieces of Azerite Armor in the raid, with 3 pieces in each of the head, shoulder and chest slots. I don’t understand what i’m doing wrong? I’m opening with blood boil, laying down death. 0. Get Wowhead Premium. This ring is a new feature, found on Armor starting with. Every armor type has 9 total pieces of Azerite Armor in the raid, with 3 pieces in each of the head, shoulder and chest slots. Paladin can take a decent chunk of damage and sometimes I’m okay. Fax (909) 931-9059. Light’s decree. Azerite traits. Some Traits had been reworked, but the most meaningful innovation was the appearance of the Fifth Ring of Talents that adds two new Azerite Traits to each character’s specialization. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about choosing the best Azerite Traits for your Destruction Warlock in ! The guide covers all available Azerite. Posts. I did take a closer look and it seems to perform well, however it feels forced since almost every piece has the trait. Zandalari Racial information added. 1. General Information. Removed outdated gear. Your overall thought process for how you choose Azerite gear doesn't really change much. Dark Iron Dwarf Racial Traits The Dark Iron Dwarf Racial Traits are:. Azerite Traits are part of the core progression system of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, adding new abilities and effects to your helm, shoulder, and chest armor. This ring is a new feature, found on Armor starting in Season 2, and requires only 15 levels on your Heart of Azeroth to be unlocked. Select the Essence you want to use from the list and click in a node to activate it. As I just checked Wowhead, currently (all 4 difficulties) Uldir drop ilevel 60 Azerite gear; Eternal Palace, 72; and Ny’alotha, 95. Taking damage has a chance to grant you Azerite Veins, healing you for 3038 every 3 sec. Set bonuses are gone in Battle for Azeroth and were going to empower Azerite armor in order to unlock traits. Paladin. it procs on my retri paladin. 12. Top Builds In addition to Bloodmallet chart integration, our Raid Tips pages have populated the top Talent, Trinket, and Azerite Powers used on each encounter within The Eternal Palace. The subject of this article was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 8. Azerite Armor Overview and FAQ Frost Azerite Traits Guide . Contribute !. This is mostly because I didn't play WoW for about a year of BFA (mostly due to not enjoying it). Seriously, they just pale in comparison to Enhancement Shaman or Survival hunter traits, they add nothing and change nothing to spec gameplay, just some buff here and there and that's all. Light’s Decree Build For: Brust Damage During Wings or if you have below 18% Haste. Find the best Azerite Traits, the best Azerite Armor, and more. Trait Updates and Additions. NEW Stalwart Protector When you cast Divine Shield, grant 182 absorb for 15 sec to nearby allies. So, it is definitely worth taking a few minutes to set up your character (this is actually great fun!) and get her/him looking exactly how you like. Though they will surely add stronger traits over the course of the expansion, they will be more of the same boring passives/boosts we already have. Build 26175 added some more traits for DK, Paladin, Priest, and Warrior, as well as a few general traits. Protection. The Heart of Azeroth also unlocks to the ability to use Essences, which can grant an additional active ability and more customization to your character. Kyrian and Venthyr are the two that stand out the most for Protection Paladin due to their powerful Class Abilities and Soulbinds. 3 PTR! Only the newest tier of crafted helmets are rolling stats, but this is a departure from the norm, as Azerite items throughout Battle for Azeroth have intentionally lacked secondary stats so as to not further. Verdant Gladiator's Medallion removes effects that make you lose control of your character, such as stuns or polymorphs, etc. illusionarily • 4 yr. 3 class guide series where we cover how t. 1 and 10. The major effect will be that trait’s powerful active ability, while the minor will be a weaker, passive form of the same. Also the VApp and Mindsear traits are pretty weak in numbers. 3. Azerite Traits Outer Rings. Azerite Traits. 1-3 DF-WEAKAURA. Paladin. Paladin. In case you haven't seen, there is an addon called AzeritePowerWeights that shows you which azerite traits are best. 1. A spell. My gear on beta still has all of it's corruption tooltips on it. or anything good. Everything you need to know about the Heart of Azeroth and Azerite Powers for your Retribution Paladin.